
Two Student Friendly Recipes- Spicy Thai and Guac Pasta!

Hello there, how are you? How's the Monday been? I've had a choc-a-block full day of uni work and an ear infection which makes me want to crawl into bed and never leave. I thought I'd do a foodie post today because for all my student readers out there, trying to find dinners that are cheap… Continue reading Two Student Friendly Recipes- Spicy Thai and Guac Pasta!


14 Things A Twenty-Something Should Be Able To Do…But Can’t.

Ever realise that you're completely inept at being a grown up? Well join the club... Doing the washing up straight away. Nope, not happening, those dishes can fester for eternity for all I care. Go for a coffee...and not put evidence of it up on Snapchat or Instagram. 3. Pair socks up together instead of… Continue reading 14 Things A Twenty-Something Should Be Able To Do…But Can’t.


Carnaval in The Netherlands

Hello there, I thought a good post would be to share the crazy, absurd experience that is Carnaval here in The Netherlands. If you're from a sad little Protestant country like me, then you have probably never seen Carnaval. It's the Dutch equivalent of Mardi Gras. It's basically where the Dutch and those in other… Continue reading Carnaval in The Netherlands


Heartbreak hotel, degree in the making and oh I live in the Netherlands now…

So it's been a while, I'm not going to ignore the elephant in the room so I'll just come out and say OMG guys I'm so sorry for abandoning you. But I have some reasoning, it has been a roller coaster since last summer. In summer 2016 I had the delightful experience of my life completely… Continue reading Heartbreak hotel, degree in the making and oh I live in the Netherlands now…

Lists, Uncategorized

Five hard signs you’re growing up…

Growing old is  inevitable, aging is a natural biological process even (no matter how hard the Kardashians try and prevent it). But growing up is not. So here are five brutal things that happen when you realise you'd rather hand in the heels for a horlicks instead.. 1. Having 5 Friends  In high school you… Continue reading Five hard signs you’re growing up…


Spicy basil and kidney bean burgers

So usually you don't hear the words 'Kidney bean' and think 'Oh get in my belly' but here I have to tastefully disagree. These concontions look like burgers but they don't taste like one. I would be lying to you if I said the mixture of basil and kidney beans tastes anything like an aberdeen angus… Continue reading Spicy basil and kidney bean burgers


10 things that happen because the days are getting longer…

I don't know about you but I love summer, I'm blessed with skin that doesn't burn and full on happy face when I see everywhere all summered up (cherry blossom+ sunshine= summered up). I understand the need for winter but really all that leaf sludge and dark mornings, I could do without it to be… Continue reading 10 things that happen because the days are getting longer…