
Two Student Friendly Recipes- Spicy Thai and Guac Pasta!

Hello there, how are you? How's the Monday been? I've had a choc-a-block full day of uni work and an ear infection which makes me want to crawl into bed and never leave. I thought I'd do a foodie post today because for all my student readers out there, trying to find dinners that are cheap… Continue reading Two Student Friendly Recipes- Spicy Thai and Guac Pasta!


14 Things A Twenty-Something Should Be Able To Do…But Can’t.

Ever realise that you're completely inept at being a grown up? Well join the club... Doing the washing up straight away. Nope, not happening, those dishes can fester for eternity for all I care. Go for a coffee...and not put evidence of it up on Snapchat or Instagram. 3. Pair socks up together instead of… Continue reading 14 Things A Twenty-Something Should Be Able To Do…But Can’t.


Carnaval in The Netherlands

Hello there, I thought a good post would be to share the crazy, absurd experience that is Carnaval here in The Netherlands. If you're from a sad little Protestant country like me, then you have probably never seen Carnaval. It's the Dutch equivalent of Mardi Gras. It's basically where the Dutch and those in other… Continue reading Carnaval in The Netherlands


New Blog Feature: Favourite blog posts of the week….

   Heellllooo,  Is it obvious that it took me a large chunk of the afternoon making that sign? (Avoiding revision). Nope. Good.  So I'll give you a few categories (I think maybe because its the first one and I don't want to get cocky I won't give that many because a lot of people don't… Continue reading New Blog Feature: Favourite blog posts of the week….


I bet you’re wondering what today’s pug-picture has to do with todays post……

I most definitely am following through with this blog post even though I have no idea where it will take me because I guess that is the beauty of what pugs dressed as Honey Boo Boo can do. (And omg I can't believe I'm wasting this picture on this blog post and not saving it… Continue reading I bet you’re wondering what today’s pug-picture has to do with todays post……


We can’t escape it for much longer…

We can't. We just can't. Soon it will just happen and we'll all just fall victim to it. Theres no point putting up a fight, You'll find yourself sitting there, red faced, covered in gravy, wearing a pink hat from a Christmas cracker before you know it (well whats new there?). Yes. I said it.… Continue reading We can’t escape it for much longer…


The city that apparently has more canals and bridges than Venice…

Hey, so  I was a little MIA (I basically have no idea what that actually stands for btw)  this weekend because I was in the beautiful city of Amsterdam! Now that I don't live in England which is surrounded by shit tons of water, I can actually just hop on a train and merry on… Continue reading The city that apparently has more canals and bridges than Venice…

Articles, Blogging tips and tricks, Lists

7 ways to avoid blogger ‘cheese’

You know that horrible moment when you think you've been really organised and prepared a blog post in advance only to realise, that you somehow forgot to save it and now all you have is a trusty picture of a pug in cheese hat? That. Right now. Todays blog post is going to be about… Continue reading 7 ways to avoid blogger ‘cheese’

Blogging tips and tricks

9 blast from the past blog posts….

Hello everybody, I hope you're having a smashing 'hump day' (now that just sounds rude, I'm sorry). When I started this blog jn April, I never imagined that I would be able to create over 200 blog posts...I mean really how much shit can I really write about!? Turns out more than I thought, so… Continue reading 9 blast from the past blog posts….