
14 things that people who are addicted to food understand…


I’m writing this with a face full of pasta and a smile on my face…

1) During one meal, you’ll be already thinking about snacks or about dessert. 

2) Salad is simply an addition to dinner not a WHOLE dinner. 

3) You think you might have been born a cow because you’re pretty sure you have 3 stomachs.

4) People ask you constantly ‘HOW?’ When it comes to how much you can eat. 

5) You spend probably more money on food than clothes. 

6) Sometimes you eat so much you get a little food baby.

7) You know food hangovers are a real and difficult danger.

8) All you can eat buffets are a challenge not an offer. 

9) People always ask you where you can get the best/cheapest/pretty okayish food from because you know all restaurants (and kebab shops) in a 50 mile radius. 

10) When you’re in the gym, you measure how many calories you’ve burnt  in terms of doughnuts.

11) The phrase ‘family pack’ or ‘sharing pack’ just make you feel bad for eating 10 packets of crisps.

12) You would rather eat a doughnut than have a bottle of beer.

13) You can’t watch the Food Network without getting at raging hunger.

14) You know exactly the right foods to get rid of a hangover, a combination of greasy, salty and fatty.

Now I’m hungry. Really hungry. 

Love Robyn. 

P.s don’t forget to leave your weirdly wonderful comments for my best comments of the week post.

25 thoughts on “14 things that people who are addicted to food understand…”

  1. Reblogged this on Sometimes Care Giving Stinks and commented:
    Food can become therapy instead of fuel. Caregivers are vulnerable to unhealthy comforts and even addictions to cope with accumulated (and accumulating) stress. This blogger has some fun with it – have a tension cutting laugh but also think on what “comforts” are actually hurting your life.

    On a personal note, Melissa and I’ve both made lifestyle changes that have helped us lose lots of weight (close to 100 lbs. between us) in the last couple of years. The gains in energy, emotional clarity, overall health markers and more have been worth the discomforts.


  2. Oh goodness… I related to this post a little too much lol. They say the first step is admitting and according to this, I’m definitely addicted to food. Love the post (:

    Liked by 2 people

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