
20 resolutions for my 20th year of life…


Happy birthday to meeeeee, the days of being a delightful, annoying Teenager  officially ended yesterday as I turned the big 2-0.

As sad as I am at the thought than in 10 years I’ll be 30 or the fact that it’s not really acceptable for me to be afraid of going into my cellar (because ghosts/insects) anymore, I am failing slightly uplifted at the thought that my cringey teenage years are over. Finally my lambrini days are far behind me.

The last year of my teenage years was however a complete mix of ‘this is great’ and ‘omg I hate this’. I officially lived by myself, I had the trials and tribulations of the job world and I absolutely could not decide what to do with my academic life. So you know typical 19 year old stuff.

Which led me to writing this post, I learnt a lot whilst I was a teenager but now it’s time to oh so cringiley ‘open a new chapter’ (I need to read my blog post about blogger cheese again…)

1) Don’t work with/for anybody that makes you feel like poo- it’s not worth it.

2) Don’t say you’re okay, if you’re absolutely not.

3) Remember that money isn’t actually the most important thing, don’t let a surplus or a lack of it turn you into a dickhead.

4) One I learnt recently- chocolate binges are much less self destructive than white wine binges.

5) Don’t get all weird when theres just you and that awkward bloke you know a bit stood around the bar.

6) Remember that nobody, absolutely nobody, remembers all the bad things you’ve done/said quite as much as you do.

7) Sometimes life doesn’t give you a break but that’s not the end of the world.

8) Watch less Kardashians, read more books.

9) Don’t feel bad that the entirety of the female population might always look immaculate whereas you look like a foot…you’re a funny foot and people love ya.

10) Check instagram less- being Insta famous is never going to happen for you.

11) Stop absolutely freaking out at the thought of having to grown up things like the mountain of washing up or having to take the bins out.

12) Be nice to people even if you think your head is going to explode with anger, theres no point ruining someone elses day.

13) Don’t worry about things not going to the meticulously time ordered plan you have.

14) Twinges of sadness and regret can always be turned into happiness and satisfaction just by buying new pajamas.

15) Try to take vitamins everyday.

16) Be grateful that you have someone in your life that will make you a cup of tea on request.

17) Seriously reduce expectations on your birthdays, they’ll be 10X better that way.

18) It’s okay to facetime your mum when you’re having a breakdown/disaster or if you just need to know how long chicken needs to be roasted for.

19) It’s better to have 5 friends that love you rather than 50 who don’t even bother to ask you how are every now and again.

20)Sometimes it’s perfectly fine to have cake for breakfast.

So I’m not sure how well I’ll be able to incorporate these guidelines into this new decade but I can at least try.

Love Robyn!

35 thoughts on “20 resolutions for my 20th year of life…”

  1. Happy birthday 😁🎉🎇🎊🎆

    Lambrini girls never give up lambrini – even though they should, I still get horribly drunk on the vile stuff now – and I’m way past 20 😁

    Loved the bit about looking like a “foot” 😂

    Have a fab day xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy Birthday! Those are pretty great pieces of advice for twenty-somethings. Don’t sweat the round birthdays – each one is better than the last. In your teens, your actions determine what choices you will have later. In your twenties you have to make a lot of big decisions. In your thirties, you can also make big decisions – but it is your choice whether you do so or not. In your forties you really start reaping the rewards of all the work and good decisions of the past. In your fifties you relax, enjoying more and worrying less. I’ll tell you what to expect in your sixties about seven years from now.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. and these are spot on, except may i suggest, watch NO Kard-ass-ians, read everything. Geez, does this mean I have to do like 50 when I turn? Maybe I’ll just do 16 for 2016 instead.

        Chocolate, wine, pajamas and cake are all wonderful in their proper, well-moderated places. Like for instance, breakfast on my day off from work. I like to keep the per capita consumption at a satisfactory high level, while the mountain of wash is moved.

        I also like to be productive, there are home made breads and Christmas biscuits to be created soon.


  3. Happy birthday and welcome to your 20s! You’re doing great so far. LOL
    I told my son that I didn’t REALLY consider him an adult until he hit 30 (back in October) – also because I then can stop sending him money. HA
    Hope you have a great celebration.


  4. 21. Everything on your body is relatively new and years from breaking down. Rejoice in your health!
    22. Only one year away from drinking in a pub or working as a bartender.
    23. You can now vote (is it OK in England at 20?)
    24. You have now been on earth for two decades and have seen 20 seasons of Dr. Who.
    25. Your mum now feels you are old enough to live on your own, so she can now have a sewing room.


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